I finally did it . . .

After almost two years of not paying for television, I signed up for Netflix free one month trial period. Yes, I have ulterior motives, but already I miss the novelty of sitting down and watching what I expect to see on tv, not some random crap that receptions through.

I have gotten to the Fifth Season of Lost and can't seem to find it anywhere without paying full price for it. Ugh, nope don't want to do that. And being sick makes me just want to lay in bed. Since my head hurts too much to read, I am thinking tv sounds good right now. And movies, instantly? Damn it.

I will cancel it before 30 days . . . .

I will cancel it before 30 days . . . .

For those of you who are Lost fans, why the hell didn't they pull the inflatable boats out of the plane and float to another island or rescue boat? (or did I miss this answer?)

I cannot believe that after all that time on the island, they finally get off and have to lie to protect the others?!?!?!?!? What a crazy story so far, and it keeps getting better. Every time I think something is too far, too much to believe I get sucked right back in.

Do you pay the $8 (or more) to watch Netflix? I am curious to see the response. I just haven't watched enough tv to justify paying for it. I maybe watch 30 minutes to an hour of the Today's show in the morning, but other than that. I generally read or try to watch online.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think we pay $12. a month for our Netflix. I loved Lost! Enjoy your month.

kay - Infinite Shelf said...

We do pay for Netflix; the monthly price is less than renting two movies at the local videostores or on or TV service, so we save a little money this way (even though that makes our selection more limited).
And I LOVED Lost. I just started watching it again last week, there were so many details I had forgotten!

kt moxie said...

I think we pay $8 for Netflix. Mostly the kids watch kids shows on it, and we occasionally watch a movie or a TV show. We also have Hulu Plus for TV shows. If you want TV shows... Hulu Plus might be better than Netflix; there's a better selection, and they get the new shows.