In the beginning, I would find a blog and follow them simply because I liked their writing. Maybe I even only liked that one post that I read, but I always thought, if later, I didn't really relate to their writing then I would just unfollow.
Easy, thinking.
Like? Follow
No like? Unfollow
But the fact is, once I really got started following people I had so many people I couldn't possibly go through and read all their posts. And as a fellow blogger,
I AM A SUPPORTER. If you blog and I like your blog, I want to support you. I want you to know that I am listening. Which means I comment on your blog. Especially when it reaches out and grabs me.
But if after many times of visiting your blog, I don't relate or the post doesn't make me comment, I feel the need to unfollow.
Is this wrong? To unfollow?
I wouldn't think so.
Then I get comments from people who
ASK ME TO FOLLOW THEM and I gotta be honest, I think this is rude. I think it is assumptive. I think this feels like high school where if I am cool I will have a million followers.
Is that the goal? To
just have followers?
I feel the goal is not to just have a side bar that has a million followers, but to find blogs that you care about and read them, then comment on them. If you read that blog constantly, follow it. Share it. Etc.
Yes it is oh so cool to read and comment on blogs like
Dooce or
Pioneer Woman, but by the time we really get to these maybe they are already a paying job. Not to say anything bad about that. There isn't. Heck that would be an awesome job. And I constantly read both those blogs. I even own Pioneer Woman's cookbook - it's signed - but I am
looking to support my fellow bloggers who are out there letting their voice be heard too. But does that mean, I should go around the blogosphere and just click follow on every blog?
The point?
Please don't ask me to follow you.
If I am playing along with a follow me day, cool, follow me. But do you really need to ask me to follow?
If you love a blog, follow it.
If you love a post, comment on it.
Wanna contribute to Metablogging week? Go
here. Or go check out
Scmutzie bc I like her blog. (yes, I follow her)